need them. When you consider the task of organizing your coupons for
groceries, it can be quite a challenge. In this article, we explore ways
for you to stay on top of grocery coupon clutter and provide you with a
step-by-step plan to create a great organizational system for storing and
using your printable grocery coupons.
1. Sort You Printable Grocery Coupons into Two Bundles, those that
expire this month and those that expire at a later date. This will help
you visualize the money you can be saving in the near future and can
help you prioritize your shopping goals. It will also help with the
next step.
2. Purchase Two Durable Plastic File Boxes. You'd be amazed at how many
times you will open and close your boxes each month and year to access
free grocery coupons. Look for files boxes that have very flexible
hinges to reduce the amount of wear and tear you place on the hinges
and the need to replace those boxes too frequently.
3. Put Box Number One To Work: Add separators labeled alphabetically
"A" through "Z" and store your free groceries coupons based on food
group instead of brand name. Using this storage system, allows you to
easily file away all of your coupons for groceries in an efficient and
easy to remember manner.
4. Put Box Number Two To Work: Follow step four above with the second box.
5. Pulling it all together: Use one box for free grocery coupons that
that are set to expire soon and the second for coupons with expiration
dates that are further out.
Manufacturers publish an estimated billions of
printable grocery coupons each year, though only a small fraction are
actually ever used. We think this is largely the result of time
constraints and inefficient organization systems that make it easy to use
grocery coupons. This organizational system requires you update your files
at least monthly, but should be highly effective in keeping your coupon
clutter to a minimum. Most importantly, remember to bring your file boxes
with you to the grocery store, so that you are ready when you spot a
bargain that may not have been on your grocery list. A great place to
store you new free grocery printable coupons file boxes is in the glove
box of your automobile, when they are not being used. Keep those savings
For more information on saving money at the grocery store, please visit, the place where parents organize, connect, share and