like to go to our local orchard and purchase Gala's by the bushel. Once I
get them home, I like to make and freeze applesauce and apple pie filling.
It is really a simple process and can save you a lot of money. I take one
weekend afternoon and have it done within a few hours. When purchasing
your apples, buy them in bulk and check them over for bad spots. Stay away
from any apples that have been sitting out in the heat for a long period
of time. You will want to cut out any bad spots that you come across.
The following 2 recipes were given to me by my grandmother back in the
1980's and to this day, they are the 2 recipes that I use.
Apple Pie Filling Recipe
4-6 apples
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Wash apples and then pat dry. Peel, core and slice into wedges. In a
medium-sized bowl, combine wedges, granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon lemon
juice. Gently stir apples until coated with sugar and lemon juice. Pack
into freezer safe bags or plastic containers leaving a 1/2" of head space.
Note: You can use an anti-darkening agent such as Fruit Fresh instead of
lemon juice.
Applesauce Recipe
4-6 apples
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon cinnamon
Wash apples and then peel, core and slice into small chunks. Place chunks
into a saucepan with just enough water to prevent scorching. Stir in
granulated sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon. Turn burner to low heat and
slowly simmer mixture until the apples cook down and become soft. Drain
any left-over water. Run mixture in a blender or food processor until it's
the consistency of applesauce. Let cool and then spoon into freezer-safe
containers leaving a 1/2" of head space. If desired, you can sprinkle
additional cinnamon on top before sealing.