วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Watchmen: The End Is Nigh-Enjoy Playing And Watching

The Watchmen video game is now available on the PlayStation 3 home
console. It comes home in a package deal called The Watchmen: The End is
Nigh- The Complete Experience. Why is it called the complete experience?
It is because you get both parts one and two on the disc and a little
bonus included, the Blu-ray version of the film. Yes, that's right; you
get both installments of the games and a free movie to boot. The movie is
worth the purchase alone and the games are not a bad bonus. The HD version
of the movie is awesome and even if you are not a rabid fan, reading the
graphic novel over and over again, you will enjoy the film.

The story behind the game is 10 years in the past, before the story that
the movie was based on. It is a very different world. Naturally there is a
ton of fighting with the requisite bad dudes. I love the fact that you can
choose to be either Nite-Owl or Rorschach. Nite -Owl I can take or leave
but Rorschach is a trip. I liked his character so much that I looked him
up. A million years ago the actor that portrayed him in the movie was a
one of the original Bad News Bears.

The story is a mystery of a disappearance of another costumed hero right
before the enactment of the anti-costumed hero laws. The voice acting is
okay, not the best, but better than a lot of games out there. The
graphics for the game are not ground breaking, but are pretty cool and do
the characters justice. The lighting and backgrounds make the dark feel
of the city come alive just like in the book.

You do occasionally get to see other characters from the story which is
cool. I really liked getting all the background scoop on these guys. What
a strange world they existed in that mirrors our own closely enough to
make it interesting. Besides the story you can get all the fighting that
you want out of your system. I personally get a little bored with constant
fighting, but the rest of the experience keeps me interested.

The game also makes the two main characters as different as they really
are. They have moves that are all their own and they maneuver through the
space in different ways. I can only hope that there are more of this genre
that will be made into movies and games. It was a long time coming for
graphic novels to be made into serious budget movies for adults. i just
hope they are here to stay and continue.

