วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Pick a Medium Reading Network Without Getting Scammed

If you are anything like most of our readers, the simple truth is that you
are excited and enthusiastic about the prospects of psychic phenomena, and
you recognize the potentially life changing benefits a great reading can
offer. But, unfortunately, many of us have had our share of negative
experiences as well, and there is nothing worse than watching your
enthusiasm during a reading dissipate, as you recognize the intuitive
you're working with has no real talent!

So what is the easiest way to make certain you pick a reader who does?

Easy! First of all, you need to do a little bit of "due divergence" before
you begin. Look for connectivity. The best networks have been in business
for a really, really long time...and this is a testament to both the
strength of their psychics, and the response of the paying public as well.

And stay away from "free" networks or offerings! Why? Well, you probably
wouldn't hire a free doctor, or a free plumber.....or you may be skeptical
about bringing your car to be serviced by a free auto mechanic as well,
right? Why should getting a professional reading be any different? You get
what you pay for....and paying "retail" for exceptional services should be
your motto, NOT trying to get the minimal result for minimal cost. ( if
you can't afford a reading right now......rather than wasting time on a
"free" reading, simply save up another week or two and invest the 20
dollars it's going to cost)

Also, be very wary of any aggressive, manipulative or overly pushy
"readers" as well. Many people have been scammed by folks who are not only
"fake" psychics, they're also experienced salesmen ( and women) as well.

Key Takeaways?

Go into a reading with a prepared mind set. Know what you want to
accomplish, what your goals are, AND what your budget is, and stick to
them. You'll find the rewards and sense of "psychic satisfaction" that you
get will be well worth it for sure!

POP Quiz!

What is the Top Psychic Network for Cheap (but Super Accurate!) Online
Readings That WILL Blow Your Mind?


