วันอาทิตย์ที่ 16 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Easy Steps To Creating An Effective Grocery Coupon Filing System

Free grocery coupons are only as good as the ones you can find when you
need them. When you consider the task of organizing your coupons for
groceries, it can be quite a challenge. In this article, we explore ways
for you to stay on top of grocery coupon clutter and provide you with a
step-by-step plan to create a great organizational system for storing and
using your printable grocery coupons.

1. Sort You Printable Grocery Coupons into Two Bundles, those that
expire this month and those that expire at a later date. This will help
you visualize the money you can be saving in the near future and can
help you prioritize your shopping goals. It will also help with the
next step.
2. Purchase Two Durable Plastic File Boxes. You'd be amazed at how many
times you will open and close your boxes each month and year to access
free grocery coupons. Look for files boxes that have very flexible
hinges to reduce the amount of wear and tear you place on the hinges
and the need to replace those boxes too frequently.
3. Put Box Number One To Work: Add separators labeled alphabetically
"A" through "Z" and store your free groceries coupons based on food
group instead of brand name. Using this storage system, allows you to
easily file away all of your coupons for groceries in an efficient and
easy to remember manner.
4. Put Box Number Two To Work: Follow step four above with the second box.
5. Pulling it all together: Use one box for free grocery coupons that
that are set to expire soon and the second for coupons with expiration
dates that are further out.

Manufacturers publish an estimated billions of

printable grocery coupons each year, though only a small fraction are
actually ever used. We think this is largely the result of time
constraints and inefficient organization systems that make it easy to use
grocery coupons. This organizational system requires you update your files
at least monthly, but should be highly effective in keeping your coupon
clutter to a minimum. Most importantly, remember to bring your file boxes
with you to the grocery store, so that you are ready when you spot a
bargain that may not have been on your grocery list. A great place to
store you new free grocery printable coupons file boxes is in the glove
box of your automobile, when they are not being used. Keep those savings

For more information on saving money at the grocery store, please visit
www.yadahome.com, the place where parents organize, connect, share and


Free Printable Forms, Documents, Calendars and Cards

Thirty years ago when you needed a business form or letter template, you
had to open a book to look at a sample. Then you had to get out the
typewriter and start processing the document from scratch. Otherwise, you
were ordering blank forms that just did not exactly suit your purpose. If
you wanted a calendar, invitation or greeting card, you went to the
nearest retail store.

Soon word processing applications became the standard for creating letters
and even basic forms. Spreadsheets became more popular for table based
layouts and auto calculations. As the Internet emerged it has become
possible to share and download these files. New file formats have also
allowed a more pleasing graphical presentation such as PDF files that are
capable of producing quality printed vector based graphics.

That brings us to today. Both businesses and individuals need to be aware
of the opportunities that exist to find quality resources in printed
document templates online. A number of sites specialize in offering these
types of free resources. Not only will you have option to download a free
word processing document, spreadsheet, PDF or graphic file, but in most
cases you can edit and customize that file to suit your need perfectly.

In the case of business documents, it is fairly easy to do a search and
find personnel forms, business letter templates, accounting tables,
financial forms and budgeting spreadsheets. Most of these template files
provide the basic function but allow you to modify and customize the
document. For example, you may find an employee time sheet form that helps
your business track daily hours and auto totals it for each week. You can
easily type in all of your employee names in the sheet and change those
names when you add or remove employees. You can modify the document to add
a table column to track employee social security numbers. It is a much
better option over writing in those names in on a blank form.

Furthermore, the same type of convenience can be found in free printable
cards, invitations and calendars for individual use. Even 5 years ago,
most households did not possess a quality printer that could replicate the
commercial printers. But technology has improved greatly in this field. It
is not all that expensive to get a good quality photo printer. And those
photo printers are not just for family photos, they do an amazing job of
printing vector graphics as I mentioned above. You can order blank
greeting card stock or invitation stock online or pick it up at most
office stores. With this stock, you can download and print quality PDF
based greeting cards or modify invitation templates and print them in the
convenience of your own home. Even if you do not have that stock on hand,
most people that own photo printers will have standard 4x6 photo paper
that can be used to print a simple one page card (on those occasions you
forgot to get someone that birthday card).

So do not get stuck in old thinking. Search the web and you will find an
abundance of free printable business forms, financial documents, greeting
cards, calendars and invitations.

วันจันทร์ที่ 10 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Cheap Mobile Phone Deals: Fall Easy On Your Pocket

The stiff competition in mobile market and the popularity of these small
devices lead to introduction of cheap mobile deals to support the
communication needs of different types of users. Earlier mobile phones
were for rich class helping them to sort their communication needs but now
in the fast moving and technologically advancing world needs of people
change thus to help all types of people meet their needs cheap mobile
phone deals have been tailored.

Through cheap mobile phone deals you have three options to select from.
Pay as you go, contract deal and SIM free mobile. In pay as you go deals
you are required to pay for services before using them. It is actually a
prepaid plan that suits students and middle class people well. For
contract deal you have to sign a contract with network provider for 12-18
months. Whereas SIM free mobile you are not required to purchase a SIM and
can choose any network services.

These cheap mobile phone deals allow users to make the best use of these
communication devices at reasonable rates. These are user and
budget-friendly deals that have gained attention of many people.

Cheap mobile phone deals are made available on latest handsets of leading
mobile brands like Sony Ericsson, LG, Motorola, Samsung and Nokia.
According to your preferences and budget you can choose a mobile phone
handset and a mobile phone. These deals offer various benefits without
charging exorbitant prices from you!

You can enjoy different tariff options that are tailored to fit
individual's requirements and pocket comfortably. These deals are offered
by various leading network service providers such as Virgin, Orange, 3
mobile, T mobile, O2 and Vodafone that offer cheap line rentals and tariff

Not only has this, many mobile phone deals also offer free gifts as well.
These free gifts include gaming consoles (Sony PSP, Play station 3
Nintendo Wii), free laptops, free minutes or messages, cashback offers,
free line rental and many attract things. So much at no extra cost! These
gift schemes are added attractions for users which entice them.

Cheap mobile phone deals have made mobile telephony a possibility for all
at affordable prices! Now anyone can own a latest handset within his
financial abilities and make use of it effectively.

The Best Exercises For Defined Abs

Lots of folk believe that crunches are the best abs exercise and the most
effective way to get defined abs is to do lots of crunches each day.
Although crunches do work the ab muscles they are not the quickest way of
getting defined abs. Actually research that investigated the muscle
activity of the abdominal muscles during various exercises has shown that
crunches are [actually not|not} even in the top 10 best exercises to work
both upper and lower abs. So what did the results show was the best way to
get a hard set of well defined abs?

Listed below are the top 10 abs exercises based on the level of muscular
work during each, using both upper and lower is required to get clearly
defined abs. The top 2 best methods are the both the same for upper and
lower abs.

To work your upper abs the most effective ways are :

1. Bicycle Maneuver

2. Captain's Chair

3. Exercise Ball

4. Vertical Leg Crunch

5. Torso Track

6. Long-Arm Crunch

7. Reverse Crunch

8. Crunch with Heel Push

9. Ab Roller

10. Plank

To work your lower abs the best exercises are:

1. Captain's Chair

2. Bicycle Maneuver

3. Reverse Crunch

4. Plank

5. Vertical Leg Crunch

6. Exercise Ball

7. Torso Track

8. Crunch with Heel Push

9. Long-Arm Crunch

10. Ab Roller

The results were really similar for both muscle groups and the best abs
exercises came in at the top of both lists, making it the best option for
getting defined abs. The bicycle maneuver and captains chair create more
muscular activity in the abdominal muscles than all the other tested
exercise. If you would like to get sleek, defined abs these 2 exercises
are some of the best to add to your exercise program because they've been
proven to be the best abs exercises.

The bicycle maneuver is also one of the best abs exercises as it is easy
to do and does not need any type of gear. To do this exercise you lie down
on your back and put your hands beside your head. You bend your knees to a
45-degree angle and start a pedal motion by touching your elbow to your
opposite knee while alternating side to side.

The captain's chair is also reagarded as one, considered as one of the
finest abs exercises to workout your abs and simply needs a strong chair
with arms or a dip machine. This is by far the best ab exercise and is
often overlooked because it is not a normal type of floor exercise. None
the less it is very effective. To start, sit on a chair and firmly grip
the handles. Ensure you keep your lower back straight and steady. Then
(push|press} your back against the chair and slowly lift your knees
towards your chest. If you'd like defined abs this is one of the best abs

Getting sexy defined abs takes work and the right exercises. It is
important to do the best abs exercise else you will be doing more work
with less results. You also need to make sure to incorporate cardio into
your workout and eat a healthful diet so that you can shed any fat that
will mask your toned defined abs muscles.

Different Types of Brownie Recipes to Make for Any Occasion

One of our favorite sweets seems to be Brownies. Whether you like them
plain, iced, chocolate, layered, as the base for an ice cream sundae, as a
snack or a fancy dessert, the humble brownie is always a welcome treat.
Add these recipes to your brownie file; Iced Brownies and Heavenly Apricot


1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 cup cocoa
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
2/3 cup canola oil
2 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup nuts, chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 9 x 13-inch baking pan with non-stick
vegetable oil spray; set aside.

In a mixer bowl, beat the sugar, oil, and eggs. In another bowl, combine
the flour with the salt, baking powder, and cocoa, blend well to mix. Add
the flour mixture to the sugar mixture; mix well and add the vanilla. Fold
in the nuts. Pour the batter into the prepared pan and bake 25 to 27
minutes at 350 degrees.


3 to 4 tbsp milk
1 stick butter
dash of salt
1/4 cup cocoa
powdered sugar

In a saucepan, melt the butter with the milk. Add the salt and cocoa
stirring over the heat until well mixed. Remove from the heat and let cool
slightly. Add powdered sugar to make a good thin spreading consistency
icing. Pour over the cooled brownies and spread to cover. Garnish with
mini chocolate chips, if desired.


2 bars (2-oz each) white baking chocolate
1/3 cup butter
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
2 eggs, beaten
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup finely chopped dried apricots
1/4 cup sliced almonds
1/4 cup flaked coconut

In a saucepan, melt the white chocolate and butter over low heat, stirring
constantly until all the chocolate is melted. Remove from heat; stir in
the brown sugar, eggs, and vanilla until blended. Set aside.

In a bowl, combine flour, baking powder and salt. Stir in the chocolate
mixture. Combine apricots, almonds, and coconut; stir half of the mixture
into the batter. Pour into a 9-inch square baking pan. Sprinkle the
remaining apricot mixture on top of the batter. Bake at 350 degrees for 25
minutes or until golden brown. Cool.


Music Industry Careers That Fit Your Talents

Believe it or not, there are hundreds of different music industry careers
to choose from. So, how do you know which one you should pursue? The best
way to find the best career in the music industry for you is to learn
about the many different career choices that are in front of you.

Do you love to sing? Do you love to be in front of an audience and
perform? Or maybe you can play the guitar or drums like no other. Whatever
musical talent that you have, you should definitely pursue it if that is
what you want to do in life. There are several career choices for a
singer, such as a background singer, a musical theater actor or actress,
an opera singer, or a jingle singer. If you are unable to make it as a
main act singer or band member, then you can pursue some of these other
entertainment jobs to show off your talents.

On the other hand, maybe you can't sing a note or play any instrument, but
you love music. There are plenty of music industry careers that have
nothing to do with performing or musical talent. Maybe you are awesome at
marketing or public relations. You can easily pursue a career at a record
label or entertainment advertising agency. You could even go the
independent route and get your own clients as a personal agent.

Everybody has different talents. Some people are musically inclined and
are natural performers, while others may be great at technical things like
sound recordings. The key to success in the music industry is to use your
talents to your advantage and find the best suited job for you. The music
industry has tons of careers to offer, if you are willing to put in time
and dedication, then there is a career for you.

For More Details Visit: http://www.music-career-help.com/


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one month ago, I purchased this game. I choose this game because of
previous experience based on the play Battlefield 1942. according to my
expectation, in the battlefield 2, graphed better from Battlefield 1942 in
terms of gameplay, not much different, because the both of them are the
first person shooting genre. As in Battlefield 1942, on Battlefield 2 we
can take a variety of vehicles such as a war tank, helicopter, boat, etc.

For ease in controlling the vehicle, Battlefield 2 provides features 3rd
person camera (see picture), so we can see all of our vehicle by 3Rd
person side to make easy for the acceleration. However, this feature is
not effective to use it when face the enemy, because it will be very
difficult to shoot the enemy with a camera like this, because cross hair
feature does not exist in the 3rd person camera, in the previous
Battlefield 1942 has provided this feature also, so the veteran on
Battlefield 1942 surely already know with this feature ^ _ ^. To play this
game, we will select the team in play, for Battlefield 2 we can choose one
of team provided in the game, depend on the selected map. There are 3
teams that can be selected that are MEC (Arabian), USMC (USA), and CHINA.
The options for the army that will be played in this game is not much
different with the other FPS games, for details were as follows: (just
check the picture out)
1.Assault The type to attack and fight with a short distance, equipped
with attacking gun to immobilize the opponent and also equipped with a
grenade launcher , is effective to kill the soldier in the group. This
soldier is also equipped with a flash bang to make the limit the enemy's
vision distance when they are approaching, so we can blurred, and hiding
to attack. The Armor of this type is very good, then the body resistant
will great when receiving shot around the body.
2.Sniper The type to attack and fight with long-distance, equipped with
the special sniper rifle with a scope that can zoom for long distance. So,
the enemy can be immobilized with a perfect accuracy to kill. CHINA and
MEC has more advantages than USMC sniper, because they do not need to
switch for recharge the bullets at any one time shoot, MEC and CHINA's
sniper can shoot continuously until the bullets runs out, and no need to
exit the sniping. This type is also equipped with a hand grenades.
3.Combat medic This type is specially to helping a friend who hit by
enemy, even for the dying soldier (wow ... ... ..). Equipped with the M16
rifle for USMC (hopefully correct ... .. lol), medical tool box and heart
shocker for a dying friend. This type is also equipped with a hand
4.Support I called it as a running arsenal (lol), because the main
function of this type is as an arsenal for friends. The soldier is
equipped with a machine gun that the capacity up to 200 bullets once
magazine. This type is also equipped with a hand grenades.... "Incoming
!!!!!!!" .
5.engineer Drive a vehicle without the engineer will be suck, because
engineer work as a vehicle repair when get damage. This type is also
equipped with a land mine that could blow tanks and other vehicles.
Weapons held by this type is shotgun "I WILL blow your head (lol)" , it
effective on close combat. This type is also equipped with a hand
6.Special forces This Soldier equipped with a laser to shoot, so effective
for the both short - middle distances. The advantages of this type are
they equipped with C4 to blow up the enemy, just place the c4 and hide,
then take the remote by pressing the right click on your mouse, then left
click to detonate the C4... "fire in the hole !!!!!" This type is also
equipped with a hand grenades.
7.Anti-Tank This is my favorite type of map that provides for the tank as
a vehicle, "it's fun when you blow some tanks" (lol), requires at least 3
times to blow a tank by RPG (fuih .......). With weapons of war for the
rifle range, this type into nightmare for both driver land and sea
vehicles. For the aircraft unit is very difficult to shoot with its RPG,
it takes great skill and calculation to be able to shoot a helicopter with
a RPG (I successful take down a helicopter with RPG only 1 time .... Lol),
but to combat jet, I think will not be able to shoot with the RPG, in
Battlefield 2 has provided anti-aircraft to immobilize combat jets,
Helicopters and choppers (cool ... .... just check the pic out). Each has
a type of knife and hand gun defense for the last shot when they gun out,
a knife is very effective when the enemy is very close distance.

In Battlefield 2 have features that use radio as a means of communication
between the army as for giving orders, ask for help, even give the enemy
position. Hold the "Q" and move the cursor to command, when you meet the
enemies then you intend to give their position as a threat, just hold the
"Q" and navigate it on "SPOTTED" to the enemy and left click on "SPOTTED"
is (just check the pic out), then the enemies will be appear in the map
with the red mark as a result, so your friends can know the exactly
position of the enemies. If you do not have adequate internet connection
you can play with friends by LAN features, but based on my experience, a
LAN feature could work well when update your Battlefield 2 to patch 1.4.1.
I think enough for now ... ... For further review, I will continue more
later ... ..


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 9 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

It's a Free Mario! The Best Free Games Starring Mario

Hands down, Mario has to be one of the most recognizable and beloved video
game characters of all time. In fact, few virtual heroes have been as
impervious to the test of time. Mario has appeared in over 200 official
titles since first jumping onto the scene in 1981 in a little game called
Donkey Kong, and a huge number of gamers are already anticipating his next
opus, Super Mario Galaxy 2, due out on the Wii sometime this holiday

In aid to Mario fans everywhere, I've scoured the Internet to round up a
list of the best free Flash games featuring the mushroom-scarfing,
baddie-stomping, princess-rescuing, Italian plumber. There's plenty of
coin-collecting, adventuring, and boss-battling to be had, including a few
humorous parodies and mash-ups. Moustaches and stylish overalls are

Without further ado, "let-sa go!"

Classic Mario Gameplay

Super Mario Bros. Deluxe: An extremely faithful recreation of the original
Super Mario Bros., minus the sound. (Press "D" to proceed through the

Mario Forever Flash: One of the most visually stunning Mario freebies out
there, with exceptionally polished gameplay and a lengthy adventure.

Super Mario 63: A personal favorite of mine, this 2-D reimagining of Super
Mario 64 is well-polished and has some truly inspired level designs.

Super Mario Sunshine 64: Mario is equipped with Fludd (his water-jetpack)
and must once again collect the Shine Sprites and explore Peach's castle.

Super Mario Flash: A great rendition of Super Mario World.

Super Mario World Flash: Crisp graphics and sound and nineteen
well-designed stages make this tribute stand out.
Monolith's Mario World 3: Another great adventure spanning 3 worlds, with
3 boss battles.

Even More Mario

Paper Mario World: More like a traditional Mario title than any of the
games in the Paper Mario series, it's still graphically impressive and has
some fun gameplay and action-based puzzles.

Old Mario Bros.: A great original Mario game with hand-drawn graphics (and
slightly wonky controls.)

Infinite Mario Bros.: Randomly generated levels make this Mario adventure
different each time you play.

Mario Genre-Hopping

Super Mario Defense: Bowser's attacking the castle with an evil army of
cloned Marios and Luigis. Build up your defenses and thwart the advance of
the little plumbers.
Pipe Panic: Pac-Man meets Mario. 'Nuff said.
Mario Tetris 3: In Mother Russia, Mario plays YOU!

Mario Parodies and Mash-Ups

Super Gangster Bros.: Mario with shotguns.
Mario Combat: Punch and kick your way to Bowser's castle and crack open a
can of whoop-ass. Or, try the graphically enhanced remake, Mario Combat
Mario Remix: In addition to classic platforming, Mario can opt to take on
some bosses from the Megaman series, or fly through space and blast stuff
– Gradius-style!
Mario Remix – Boss Edition: This time, Mario must face off against a
combination of 35 different new and classic bosses from a variety of retro
games. Old-school and tough as nails – in a good way.

How To Make And Freeze Apple Pie Filling And Applesauce

During the fall months when apples are in season here on the east coast, I
like to go to our local orchard and purchase Gala's by the bushel. Once I
get them home, I like to make and freeze applesauce and apple pie filling.

It is really a simple process and can save you a lot of money. I take one
weekend afternoon and have it done within a few hours. When purchasing
your apples, buy them in bulk and check them over for bad spots. Stay away
from any apples that have been sitting out in the heat for a long period
of time. You will want to cut out any bad spots that you come across.

The following 2 recipes were given to me by my grandmother back in the
1980's and to this day, they are the 2 recipes that I use.

Apple Pie Filling Recipe

4-6 apples
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Wash apples and then pat dry. Peel, core and slice into wedges. In a
medium-sized bowl, combine wedges, granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon lemon
juice. Gently stir apples until coated with sugar and lemon juice. Pack
into freezer safe bags or plastic containers leaving a 1/2" of head space.

Note: You can use an anti-darkening agent such as Fruit Fresh instead of
lemon juice.

Applesauce Recipe

4-6 apples
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Wash apples and then peel, core and slice into small chunks. Place chunks
into a saucepan with just enough water to prevent scorching. Stir in
granulated sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon. Turn burner to low heat and
slowly simmer mixture until the apples cook down and become soft. Drain
any left-over water. Run mixture in a blender or food processor until it's
the consistency of applesauce. Let cool and then spoon into freezer-safe
containers leaving a 1/2" of head space. If desired, you can sprinkle
additional cinnamon on top before sealing.

Top 5 Lamb Recipes

Lamb can be one of the most tender meats and is delicious when cooked and
eaten off the bone. Here are some different lamb recipes which afford a
great way to cook and enjoy lamb.

Lamb Curry
Almost everyone enjoys a good curry and lamb is a perfect meat for it.
Lamb can be used to make a mild Rogan Josh or a much hotter Jalfrezi.

Chunky Lamb Stew
This is an ideal lamb recipe for colder nights, or just for when you're
particularly hungry. The advantage of a lamb stew is that once you have
prepared the ingredients it can be left on its own to cook whilst you
entertain your guests, or relax in front of the TV.

Aromatic Lamb
This is one of those lamb recipes that you have to be prepared to wait
for, as for the best flavour you should leave the lamb to marinate for 24
hours with ingredients like pepper, honey and rosemary.

Braised Lamb Casserole
This is another one of those lamb recipes for a cold day. Lamb casserole
needs to simmer for around 90 minutes with all of the ingredients in a
large casserole pot, but it's well worth the wait!

Grilled Lamb Chops
Lamb chops are one of the simplest lamb recipes, yet it is also one of the
tastiest. Lamb chops should generally be served with mint sauce and new
potatoes and make a perfect Sunday lunch.

Braised Lamb Casserole
This is another one of those lamb recipes for a cold day. Lamb casserole
needs to simmer for around 90 minutes with all of the ingredients in a
large casserole pot, but it's well worth the wait!

Grilled Lamb Chops
Lamb chops are one of the simplest lamb recipes, yet it is also one of the
tastiest. Lamb chops should generally be served with mint sauce and new
potatoes and make a perfect Sunday lunch.

How to Pick a Medium Reading Network Without Getting Scammed

If you are anything like most of our readers, the simple truth is that you
are excited and enthusiastic about the prospects of psychic phenomena, and
you recognize the potentially life changing benefits a great reading can
offer. But, unfortunately, many of us have had our share of negative
experiences as well, and there is nothing worse than watching your
enthusiasm during a reading dissipate, as you recognize the intuitive
you're working with has no real talent!

So what is the easiest way to make certain you pick a reader who does?

Easy! First of all, you need to do a little bit of "due divergence" before
you begin. Look for connectivity. The best networks have been in business
for a really, really long time...and this is a testament to both the
strength of their psychics, and the response of the paying public as well.

And stay away from "free" networks or offerings! Why? Well, you probably
wouldn't hire a free doctor, or a free plumber.....or you may be skeptical
about bringing your car to be serviced by a free auto mechanic as well,
right? Why should getting a professional reading be any different? You get
what you pay for....and paying "retail" for exceptional services should be
your motto, NOT trying to get the minimal result for minimal cost. ( if
you can't afford a reading right now......rather than wasting time on a
"free" reading, simply save up another week or two and invest the 20
dollars it's going to cost)

Also, be very wary of any aggressive, manipulative or overly pushy
"readers" as well. Many people have been scammed by folks who are not only
"fake" psychics, they're also experienced salesmen ( and women) as well.

Key Takeaways?

Go into a reading with a prepared mind set. Know what you want to
accomplish, what your goals are, AND what your budget is, and stick to
them. You'll find the rewards and sense of "psychic satisfaction" that you
get will be well worth it for sure!

POP Quiz!

What is the Top Psychic Network for Cheap (but Super Accurate!) Online
Readings That WILL Blow Your Mind?


วันเสาร์ที่ 8 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Pokemon Trading Card Game Help

In the RuleBook it states..." On the first turn of the game, the starting
player cannot play any Trainer, Supporter or Stadium cards from his or her
hand, including Fossil Pokemon". Do you want to know how to get round that
rule? All you have to do is play Sableye from the Diamond and Pearl
Stormfront Set and use the attack "Impersonate"! You can then "Search your
deck for a Supporter Card and discard it. Shuffle your deck afterward.
Then use the effect of that card as the effect of this attack". Alot of
the time, people dont like to go first because, although you are ahead of
your opponent, you cannot play Supporter Cards which could effectively
help you win the game. So if you have Sableye in your hand, it would be
wise to offer to go first, many opponents would be happy to let you, and
then you are more likely to win, you will be surprised at how crucial this
method could be!

For those of you who are regular event participators, Pokemon Organized
Play has announced that no card sets will be rotated out of the Modified
Format this year. This means that sets including Diamond and Pearl,
Mysterious Treausres, Secret Wonders, Great Encounters, Majestic Dawn,
Legends Awakened, Stormfront, Platinum and Rising Rivals will still be ok
to play until September 2010! Please see Nintendo's Official Website for
the full list of sets.

For even more tricks to get round the rulebook please visit my Pokemon


It also has a forum, ds game reviews, links to popular Pokemon sites and
more! Please visit it!!!

How to Fix Three Red Lights on Xbox 360 In Under Two Hours

All right, what exactly could you do if your Microsoft Xbox takes a crap
and dies on you? What do you do after the shock's gone and you're left to
deal with three red lights on Xbox 360? The response? Do not sweat. Until
recently, the three red lights on Xbox 360 were the symptom that your Xbox
is dead and your playing times were through.

That's because all of the systems said to fix the hardware failure the
three red lights on Xbox 360 signal were unusable. You do not wish to send
your console back to Microsoft, right? Not when it can cost more than
$140, and essentially not when you understand it will be so long as eight
weeks before it is shipped back to you.

Here is some news, that's definitely not the solution to training your
system of the three red lights on Xbox 360. You do not wish to damage the
case of your Xbox 360 yourself, do you? Once your inside, the standard
remedies require you to pull your soldering set out and manage the task
that only talented technicians ought to be performing. Your Xbox is a
complicated piece of computer hardware, after all.

It's not a coffeemaker! What this leaves you with is all of the apologue
remedies, and the accurate repairs. Wrap your 360 in a towel that will six
your three red lights on Xbox 360, correct? Reduce the Xbox to forty five
degrees and put the power adaptor vertically will not fail to lose the
three red lights, correct? These moronic remedies are as ridiculous as
they sound.

And you're still going to be dealing with the three red lights on Xbox
360. Relax, though.

Nowadays there's a straightforward, quick resolution when you run into
three red lights on Xbox 360. This is coming finally from technical pros
who comprehend the interior works of the Microsoft Xbox better than anyone
else. These pros have worked on tons of Xbox's with those 3 red lights
burning, and each time they have employed this straightforward answer to
get the Xbox 360 up again in under two hours.

Truthfully, they guarantee their strategy will stop three red lights on
Xbox 360 inside two hours!

You may employ their system with complete trust. They offer complete
purchaser support, from actual people. They offer elaborate video help
files which will guide you through each part of the straightforward
process. This guarantee is worth discussing again : you'll be playing
again using your Xbox 360 in under two hours.

Those three red lights on Xbox 360 will be an old memory.

To find out this inexpensive repairfor yourself, and to get playing on
your 360 again in less than two hours, check out the Microsoft Xbox 360
Red Light Fix professional Gamer Repair.

On Yoga

Are you felling tired? Are you under too much stress? Do you have no time
no exercise? Well, you may want to try Yoga. It's what more and more
people have been turning to ease the troubles of modern life. Practically
unheard of in the west until 50 years ago, yoga has become one of the most
popular health trends around.

Yoga is a school of Hindu philosophy advocating physical and mental
disciplines for attaining liberation from the material world. Yoga was
developed over 5,000 years ago in India to increase strength, flexibility
and balance. Contemporary systems of yoga stress spiritual realization and
it is an excellent way of calming the mind and reducing stress.

Yoga has become so popular in recent years. It's easy to overlook the fact
that it is actually one of humankind's oldest activities. Scholars think
that yoga grew out of the methods used by shamans of the Indus valley,
more than 5,000 years ago.

Shamans were the holy men of early human civilization. Their roles in
socity were to communicate with the spirit world to find solutions to
problems facing their people. Over time, these shamans developed a system
of mental and physical exercises to perspective on the problems of daily
life. These exercises formed foundation of modern yoga.

For thousands of years yoga was practiced mainly in India .the exercises
of yoga were incorporated mainly into three of the Indian religions-
hinduism, jainism and Buddhism. Technically, yoga is not a religion; it is
a method that can be used by any one to pursue their own religious goals.
Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism, practiced meditation, and meditation
is still a central part of Buddhism today.

Since the 1960s yoga's popularity has grown steadily. Nowadays, westerners
practice all kinds of yoga. There is bikram, or "hot yoga", done in room
heated to over 40 degrees centigrade. There is baby yoga in which infants
copy the stretching poses of their mothers. There are even yoga classes
for people in their 70s!

How To Make And Freeze Apple Pie Filling And Applesauce

During the fall months when apples are in season here on the east coast, I
like to go to our local orchard and purchase Gala's by the bushel. Once I
get them home, I like to make and freeze applesauce and apple pie filling.

It is really a simple process and can save you a lot of money. I take one
weekend afternoon and have it done within a few hours. When purchasing
your apples, buy them in bulk and check them over for bad spots. Stay away
from any apples that have been sitting out in the heat for a long period
of time. You will want to cut out any bad spots that you come across.

The following 2 recipes were given to me by my grandmother back in the
1980's and to this day, they are the 2 recipes that I use.

Apple Pie Filling Recipe

4-6 apples
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice

Wash apples and then pat dry. Peel, core and slice into wedges. In a
medium-sized bowl, combine wedges, granulated sugar and 1 teaspoon lemon
juice. Gently stir apples until coated with sugar and lemon juice. Pack
into freezer safe bags or plastic containers leaving a 1/2" of head space.

Note: You can use an anti-darkening agent such as Fruit Fresh instead of
lemon juice.

Applesauce Recipe

4-6 apples
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon cinnamon

Wash apples and then peel, core and slice into small chunks. Place chunks
into a saucepan with just enough water to prevent scorching. Stir in
granulated sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon. Turn burner to low heat and
slowly simmer mixture until the apples cook down and become soft. Drain
any left-over water. Run mixture in a blender or food processor until it's
the consistency of applesauce. Let cool and then spoon into freezer-safe
containers leaving a 1/2" of head space. If desired, you can sprinkle
additional cinnamon on top before sealing.

วันศุกร์ที่ 7 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Gravity Ringtone | Sara Bareilles Ringtones - Download Gravity Ringtone

Gravity Ringtone by Sara Bareilles is one of the hottest ringtones in the
world right now. Gravity is quickly becoming the most popular songs in
America. Gravity Ringtone is a perfect choice for your next cell phone
ringtone. Sara Bareilles Ringtones have always sounded awesome. If you are
looking for a new ringtone for your phone, the Gravity Ringtone is a great

*** Click Here & Sign Up to Download This Ringtone Now! ***

Gravity has been rising up music charts over the past few weeks. The song
has been performing well on the Billboard Hot 100, Canadian Hot 100 and
other global music charts. It is also one of the most popular downloads on
iTunes right now. The Gravity Ringtone was one of the most frequently
downloaded ringtones in the world last month and it has been getting even
more popular recently. Sara Bareilles has released some awesome singles
lately, but Gravity is definitely one of the best. The Gravity music video
has received millions of views on internet sites such as YouTube. Don't
wait - use the link above to get this ringtone on your phone now!

Click Here to Download Sara Bareilles Ringtones on Your Cell Phone

Gravity Ringtone by Sara Bareilles is the perfect choice for your cell
phone. Sara Bareilles Ringtones are also a great option. These ringtones
are available to most mobile carriers in the United States and many global
cell phone carriers as well. Click on the link above and follow the
instructions on the next page to download your ringtones right now. Thank
you for reading this article about the Gravity Ringtone by Sara Bareilles!

Copy Xbox 360 Games So Easily Even Grandfather Could Do It

Want to know the easiest way possible to copy your Xbox 360 games
? A method that is so easy that even your grandfather could do it? Then
keep on reading this article because that's exactly what I am going to
show you.

What you will need.

A computer - You obviously will need a computer to copy your video games;
however you could also borrow friends, or go over their house to use this

Game Copying Software - you may have tried to copy you games before and
failed, this is because you will need software that will break the games
copyright protection.

Blank Disks - if you're looking only to create one game backup then you
will only need one blank disk however the more games you want to copy the
more blank disks you will need.

Original Disk- this is the game you want to copy.

Tutorial- this is a step by step guide just in case you can't figure out
what to do, however this is very unlikely because the process is simple.

What you will need to do.

Step 1 - install the software to copy the games on your computer. Once the
software install wizard has finished you will simply have to click on the
icon on the desktop to run the software.

Step 2 - now you have the software up and running its easy from here, the
onscreen wizard will ask you all the questions so it knows which game disk
you would like to copy, you then click a couple of buttons to start the

Step 3 - insert the original and blank disks, the software will then begin
to copy your game, sit back and relax for a few more minutes until the
game is copied.

Step 4 - repeat once again to copy any other game, or sit back and play
your new Xbox 360 game backup.

Hacking Attack on Tibia's Servers

Without rest we patched all servers and changed important parts of our
data structure to ensure more security in the future. Moreover, it was
inevitable to reset all game servers to a state before the hacking. Of
course all premium players got a compensation of 5 days to make up for the
lost premium time.

Since the hacker got access to your account passwords and recovery keys we
changed them all. We sent an email with the new account data to the
address your account is registered to. Unfortunately, many players did not
receive this email for several reasons. Please do not send email requests
to get your new password, we will solve the problem in another way.

Some hints to help yourself:

* Many players confuse their account data, so please think about which
email address you used for your account. Then you can easily look at
the right place.
* Our Lost Account Interface can tell you the account number if you do
not know to which account the new password belongs.
* If your email account was full or you accidentally deleted the email
with the new password, use the Lost Account Interface to request a new
password for your Tibia account.
* If you cannot access your email account anymore, please contact your
email provider to get the email account back. Then you can also use
the Lost Account Interface.
* Personalised accounts can get a new password in any case using the
Lost Account Interface.
Do not worry, we won't let you down and work on a solution for the
remaining unaccessible accounts. Stay tuned for more information in
the next days.

Please also remember the following:
* For security reasons you cannot change your password to a password
you have used before.
* Nobody needs to ask you for your password for any reason! Only you
need to know your password. Remember it well and do not tell it anyone
else. Above all, the CipSoft Team or any other official person will
never ask you for your password.
* Only enter your password at our website or to log into the game! The
only official website for Tibia is www.tibia.com, so never enter your
password at any other site. Especially do not believe statements at
any fanpage affirming something else. To log into the game, only use
the original Tibia client available at this site. If you enter your
password in any other program you risk that someone else may get it
and that you will lose your account.
We hope that we can soon continue our normal work, the work on the
next bigger game update you have been already expecting for a long

See you in Tibia!


Choosing Yoga Clothes For Beginners Yoga

America is fat. Fat, fat, fat. Are we doing anything about it? Well yes,
we are. We are doing a lot. It is just not enough. Even with the multitude
of diets and exercise routines out there we, as a nation, are still fat
and something needs to change.

We all want to become healthier, happier, fitter, and more spiritual
people. This is, after all,the 21st century, and I think I can safely say
that the practitioners of yoga are on the forefront of leading the new
spiritual revolution. However, do you really want to be spiritual at the
expense of being cute? It's all right to try to be Buddha, but do we
really want to look like him? Do you really want to learn beginners yoga
without having the chance to wear cute yoga clothes?

For me, you cannot be spiritual without being fashionable at the same
time. I know for many people this will sound like a contradiction, but to
me it is not a contradiction at all. After all, the level of spiritual
knowledge that you possess will show through in your interactions with
other people. If you do not wear clothing that flatters you and makes you
seem accessible and appealing, you will not be able to share your
spiritual experiences as readily. And anyway, what is a better place for
cruising for the young, attractive, and sensitive man or woman than
beginners yoga classes?

When I wear my yoga outfit, I am making sure that my inner state of bliss
finds its counterpart in the experience of anyone who is looking at me. In
other words, my yoga clothes make me look hot. One of the best ways to
find good yoga clothes is in a specialty store. Their staff will be more
than willing to help you with choosing yoga clothes for beginners yoga.
Really, almost anything used for sports can be yoga clothes.

There are certain styles that are popular, and it makes sense to stay as
close to those styles as possible, but there's still room to experiment.
Any store that sells exercise clothing will be an invaluable source. For
example,initially for beginners yoga you can use warm-up pants as yoga
pants. That high tech, synthetic shirt that you use for camping? It might
just make the perfect yoga shirt. As long as you have a keen eye for
fashion and a practical sense of what is required for yoga, you will have
no trouble at all making interesting and innovative outfits. Of course,
when selecting yoga clothes, you should keep in mind that there is no need
to sacrifice comfort for fashion. On the contrary, if you wear clothes
that appear to be uncomfortable, they will also be unfashionable.

Yoga clothes have to be comfortable. They need to be stretchy so that they
move with your body as you go through the different moves. Look for pants
that fit loosely, not tightly. This is not a nightclub or a fashion show.
Keep the shape of your thighs to yourself and buy a decent pair of pants.
Beginners yoga is really just the start of your new healthy life.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 6 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to Make a Great Salad with Homemade Dressing of Honey and Lime

Enjoy a great salad with your own homemade dressing of honey and lime.
Refreshing and different; try it today! This light and festive salad has
a Mexican flair with the black beans, corn, and avocado. It can be made
into an entree salad by adding cubed cooked chicken. You could also make
it a fried chicken salad by slicing fried chicken breast over the top.
The dressing would be good on other salads as well. It has a Tex-Mex
appeal with the lime and cilantro. It would be a good dressing to keep
sealed in a jar in your refrigerator for use on other salads or for
marinating meats.


1 pkg (10-oz) romaine lettuce blend (or your favorite salad blend of greens)
1 can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 pint tiny tomatoes, halved
1 pkg (10-oz)frozen whole kernel corn, microwaved and cooled
3/4 cup thinly sliced radishes
1/2 small red onion, peeled and sliced
1 ripe avocado, peeled, cored, chopped
1 cup chopped red bell pepper
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
Freshly ground black pepper

Put frozen corn in a microwave-safe bowl, cover and cook about 10 minutes
stirring halfway through cooking. Toss corn with remaining ingredients in
a large bowl just before serving. Pour Honey-Lime Dressing over the salad
and serve.


1/4 cup fresh lime juice
1/4 cup Canola oil
1/4 cup red wine vinegar
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp finely chopped fresh cilantro
2 tsp minced garlic

Using a wire whisk, mix all ingredients together in a small chilled bowl
until well combined. Pour over salad at serving time.

This recipe serves 8 to 10 people.


Quick and Easy Meal of Crunchy Tilapia Strips, Homemade Potato Chips and a Salad in 30 Minute

Family cooks are constantly looking for quick, easy, healthy, and
economical meals to serve their families. Whether the family cook is a
stay-at-home parent or a parent who works outside the home, today's
society puts many of us in a "harried or hurried" mode at least one or two
days a week. To help save your day, try this quick and easy menu that
features Crunchy Tilapia, potatoes, and a salad with a homemade creamy
Italian salad dressing.


1 lb tilapia, cut into 1 1/2-inch strips
1/2 cup milk
3/4 cup crushed corn flakes cereal
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 tsp garlic powder
fresh ground black pepper
1/4 tsp salt

Spray a foiled-lined baking sheet with nonstick cooking spray and set
aside. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Pour milk into a small shallow bowl. In another small shallow bowl,
combine the corn flakes, Parmesan cheese, garlic powder, black pepper, and
salt. Dip tilapia strips into the milk then dredge in the cornflake
mixture to coat. Lay on the prepared baking sheet and bake at 400 degrees
for 10 to 12 minutes or until fish is cooked through.


3 OR 4 small baking potatoes
2 tsp margarine, melted
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Dash of black pepper

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.

Scrub potatoes and slice in thin slices. You should have about 2 cups of
sliced potatoes. Arrange slices in a thin layer in a lightly greased 15 x
10-inch baking pan. Brush with the melted margarine. Sprinkle the cheese
and pepper over potato slices. Bake, uncovered, in a 450 degree oven for
18 to 20 minutes or until the potatoes are brown and crisp.


Note: This recipe serves 8. The two above recipes serve 4. If you are
making a meal for 4, cut this recipe in half.

1 cup mayonnaise
1 carton (8-oz) dairy sour cream
2 green onions, chopped
2 tbsp vinegar
2 tsp sugar
1 tsp Italian seasoning
3/4 tsp celery salt
3/4 tsp dry mustard
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 clove garlic, minced
4 small heads Bibb lettuce
Milk, if needed

To make dressing: In a small mixing bowl, combine salad dressing or
mayonnaise, sour cream, onion, vinegar, sugar, Italian seasoning, celery
salt, dry mustard, garlic, and pepper. Using a wire whisk or rotary
beater, mix until smooth. Transfer dressing to a container with a lid,
cover and chill until serving time. Just before serving, cut each lettuce
head in half lengthwise. Arrange halves on a serving platter. If desired,
arrange some tiny tomatoes on the plate as a garnish. If dressing is too
thick, add a small amount of milk until of desired consistency. Pour
dressing over the salad.


Why is astrology consultation and guidance needed?

What Astrology Stands for?

Jyotish means the divine light of the God. The function of light is to
make everything visible. Astrology endeavors to do the same in the life of
an individual. This attempt has been made from ancient times and the
science of astronomy which developed in India was also closely related
with astrology.

The opinions of individual astrologer may vary depending upon the
parameters employed. However, competent astrologers have always been
respected despite wrong utilization by vested interests for quick material

Astrology was developed by Rishis, Saints and yogis of yore to help human
being lead a good, happy and safe life. Some people believe that future is
written in black and white, but Gyanis (knowledgeable) take future as an
indication only. They, shape up their future with divine knowledge.

Astrology would have lost its relevance if it was only a tool of knowing
about future. Gyanis take it as a tool to know the karmic impressions
which is embedded in the soul. If the Karma of the native is good enough,
he finds a good astrologer who helps him decipher the karmic issues in his
horoscope and the effect it is likely to cause in his life.

Professional Growth:-

Astrology is a handy tool to help an individual optimize his career
prospects with the help of career astrology and forecasts. It can help in
choosing the career or line that can help in optimizing his talent and
make his future secure. It can also guide about the time of uncertainty in
career and also help in timing job changes and other related matters.

Most, of the problems that a person faces in his career can be understood
by astrology. Astrological remedies can at times work wonders in resolving
problems pertaining to career. Sometimes, an individual feels difficulty
in maintaining a cordial relationship with seniors and subordinates. This
can also be due to particular traits manifested by some planets.
Corrective measures can be taken by diagnosing the problem.

Resolving Health Related Problems:-

"Prevention is better than cure" goes the maxim. Astrology helps us to
prevent a mishap, or onset of ailments by timely advice. Such advice is
instrumental in saving an individual from big tragedies. Sometimes an
onset of disease can also be diverted by timely advice. For example a
person with afflicted Jupiter has a chance of attracting diabetes. If he
takes astrological advice, he can take steps to control the disease. He
can control his food habits and maintain an exercise schedule. A person
can escape from accidental death if he is aware of any such possibility.
This can be done by using prescribed spiritual tools.

It is worth-while to remember that we need good health and happiness to
lead a trouble free life. God will be more than happy to help us in
directing us to our goal. If we take recourse to Raksha Kavach and
Stotras, this can also solve our Karmic problems.

A correct diagnosis of the effect of the planets which is responsible for
health problems can be done only by a competent astrologer.

Marriage Issues-

Astrology is an effective tool to find the right match for an individual
and astrology compatibility among the couple. The promises of the
horoscope can help an individual in judging the temperament of the bride /
bridegroom and also help in fixing the best time for marriage. Horoscope
also gives a glimpse of the marital life which starts after solemnization
of marriage.

Astrology is an effective tool to judge relationship problems, issues of
separations etc. It can also serve as an effective tool to heal the
problems being faced by the couple by following some prescribed remedies.

Childbirth Related Issues:-

Astrology is used to know about chances of progeny in the horoscope of the
couple. It can give information about the problems responsible for delay
in child birth. People come to astrologers after taking all possible help
from medical experts. This increases the responsibility of an astrologer.
Analysis should be done by prescribed techniques.

Issues such as miscarriages, abortions etc., can be clearly judged from
the horoscope. "Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra" attributes the delay or
difficulty in having a child to various curses and afflictions of the past
life. It also prescribes remedies to lessen the impact of such curses.
Astrologers should be consulted for childlessness.

Guidance about Finances and Business:-

Astrology has tools to judge the quantum of wealth, property and overall
prosperity in a person's horoscope. The horoscope also gives guidance
about the line of business that will be good for the native.

The ups and downs in the business, time for going slow and time to take
risk can be clearly interpreted from a correctly drawn horoscope. Hence,
knowledge of astrology can help in removing uncertainly in business to a
very large extent and can help the individual grow in business.
Information gives power and every horoscope contains information. This
source of information should be utilized with the help of a competent

Brave: A Warriors Tale (Video game) - A Tribe’s Battle

, developed by Collision Games is an expanded renovation of the
original game Brave.

Set seventy years after the original, the gamestory plays as a series of
flashback in which the present elderly Brave describes the events of his
life. This game brings expansive exploration and in-game interactivity to
the players on their mission to protect their tribe from the sources of
evil, continuously offering a noteworthy challenge to players as they
advance through a world of wild enemies. Generally, the players undergo 13
major areas to travel through, including lush forests, raging rivers, wide
open plains, and the spirit world.

During the course of the game, the player takes the role of Courage, a
young boy who learns lessons from his elder's experiences to stop the
present threat to their village. This game is much perfect for young
players also, since they can master combat controls easily. In this game,
Brave can able to communicate as well as transform into various animals,
track prey, and fight enemies that test his strength, from evil wolves and
giant bees to mythical beasts that stand in his way. During the battle,
players can use bows and arrows, tomahawks and a variety of ancient powers
to defeat their enemies.

Moreover, during the attacks, the players may lose their health level that
is indicated in the screen. So, in order to restore their health, they
must use Dream Catchers. In short, this game is packed with updated
features and unlockable contents which can be gained throughout the game.

วันพุธที่ 5 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2552

The Watchmen: The End Is Nigh-Enjoy Playing And Watching

The Watchmen video game is now available on the PlayStation 3 home
console. It comes home in a package deal called The Watchmen: The End is
Nigh- The Complete Experience. Why is it called the complete experience?
It is because you get both parts one and two on the disc and a little
bonus included, the Blu-ray version of the film. Yes, that's right; you
get both installments of the games and a free movie to boot. The movie is
worth the purchase alone and the games are not a bad bonus. The HD version
of the movie is awesome and even if you are not a rabid fan, reading the
graphic novel over and over again, you will enjoy the film.

The story behind the game is 10 years in the past, before the story that
the movie was based on. It is a very different world. Naturally there is a
ton of fighting with the requisite bad dudes. I love the fact that you can
choose to be either Nite-Owl or Rorschach. Nite -Owl I can take or leave
but Rorschach is a trip. I liked his character so much that I looked him
up. A million years ago the actor that portrayed him in the movie was a
one of the original Bad News Bears.

The story is a mystery of a disappearance of another costumed hero right
before the enactment of the anti-costumed hero laws. The voice acting is
okay, not the best, but better than a lot of games out there. The
graphics for the game are not ground breaking, but are pretty cool and do
the characters justice. The lighting and backgrounds make the dark feel
of the city come alive just like in the book.

You do occasionally get to see other characters from the story which is
cool. I really liked getting all the background scoop on these guys. What
a strange world they existed in that mirrors our own closely enough to
make it interesting. Besides the story you can get all the fighting that
you want out of your system. I personally get a little bored with constant
fighting, but the rest of the experience keeps me interested.

The game also makes the two main characters as different as they really
are. They have moves that are all their own and they maneuver through the
space in different ways. I can only hope that there are more of this genre
that will be made into movies and games. It was a long time coming for
graphic novels to be made into serious budget movies for adults. i just
hope they are here to stay and continue.

Hot Yoga Helps Loss Weight and Detox

If you want to loss weight in a healthy way, you can consider hot Yoga.

Hot yoga is gaining popularity as the new way to detoxify and to remove
toxins from your body. For this method, you just need to think of yoga as
if you are in a sauna. In fact, it is thought so effective for cleansing
purposes that some natural health treatment centers are including it as
part of the regimen for chronic liver diseases like hepatitis.

Your Skin is one of the best waste disposal systems in nature. While it is
different from your waste-extraction organs like kidneys or livers, your
skin is an equally effective organ for removing waste, especially toxic
wastes. It does this through sweat.

Hence, hot yoga provides the perfect channel for detoxification to happen.
You would be tapping the ability of your skin to convert toxins that come
from various fats into simpler and water-soluble compounds that can be
easily removed. At high temperatures, you will begin to sweat. Amonia and
urea is eliminated as well as sugars and salts.

When you do hot yoga, exercises are performed in a room heated to
temperatures of around 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Once inside, you go through
a program of specified postures in a vigorous but very aerobic workout.
The internal heat generated by the yoga exercises combines with the
external heat of the room to make you break out in torrents of sweat.

On its own, yoga is already a powerful healing regime. When you do yoga
exercises, you are working out every muscle in the body, making them
strong, supple, and flexible. Aside from being able to help in
cardiovascular problems, yoga is also excellent for people suffering from
arthritis, stress reduction, and a host of other body conditions.

Every posture in the hot yoga for detoxification exercise is complemented
with proper breathing techniques to assist you in reaching the maximum
limit of the movement. Thus, you may notice that apart from the regular
Bikram yoga exercises, you are also trained in the proper breathing
techniques. Proper breathing techniques are vital in detoxification and

By boosting circulation and metabolism through deep breathing and yoga
posture, hot yoga accelerates the result of any detoxification program.
Additionally, you also get to learn the techniques of meditation. You
learn to relax your mind, thus addressing stress toxins. In conclusion,
bikram yoga or hot yoga for detoxification is a powerful means to
achieving balance between mind, body and spirit.

Recipes to Feed Your Family in a Matter of Minutes #2

Do you have a family "on the go"? Don't fall into the fast food
drive-thru window trap. That's okay from time to time but it is too
expensive and unhealthy to become a regular part of your family's diet.
Try these quick and easy recipes for an easy and quick meal at home.
Mom's Microwave Pizza Chicken can be made even easier by replacing the
fryer with 8 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves. You eliminate
cutting up the pieces and removing the skin. The chicken will also cook
in about half the time. Chicken is done when the juices run clear. The
Beefy Skillet Ravioli uses refrigerated pasta and only needs 15 minutes to
cook. Serve with a salad and you have a meal.


1 fryer, cut-up into 8 pieces
1 can (10-oz) condensed tomato soup
1 can (6-oz) tomato paste
1/4 tsp onion salt
1/4 tsp garlic salt
1/4 tsp oregano
1/4 tsp basil
1 can (4-oz) mushroom pieces, drained
8-oz shredded Mozzarella cheese
1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

Remove skin from chicken pieces and arrange pieces in a lightly greased 12
x 8-inch microwave-safe dish. Stir together the tomato soup, tomato paste,
onion salt, garlic salt, oregano, basil, and the mushroom pieces.
Generously spoon the sauce over the chicken pieces. Place dish in
microwave and cook for 19 to 20 minutes. If you are not using a microwave
turntable, turn chicken 1/2 turn after 10 minutes. Sprinkle cheeses over
the chicken and continue to cook for 2 to 4 minutes, until cheese is
melted and chicken is done.


Prep 15 min Cook 15 min

1 lb lean ground beef
1 can (26 oz) Garlic & Herb Spaghetti Sauce
1 can (14.5 oz) Diced Tomatoes with Sweet Onion
9 oz pkg refrigerated cheese-filled ravioli
2 tbsps shredded Parmesan cheese
1 tbsp chopped fresh Italian parsley

Brown ground beef in a large skillet, drain. Stir in the spaghetti sauce
and tomatoes; blend well. Bring mixture to a boil. Add the ravioli to the
skillet and spoon the meat and sauce over the ravioli until it is well
coated. Reduce the heat, cover and simmer over medium heat for 15 minutes
or until the ravioli is tender. Sprinkle with the cheese and the parsley.


Chinese Zodiac-- Year of rat

People born during the years of 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 and
2008 according to the Chinese calendar (exact days on the western calendar
vary) are under the influence of Rat. A typical Rat is always energetic,
sociable, smart and witty. You know how to present your best image for
others, and people surely enjoy your presence very much. You are also full
of imaginations, and very curious about all things around you. Sometimes,
however, you might appear to be egocentric and stubborn.

As a Rat, you are extremely meticulous and organized. Others might not
like to work with a perfectionist, but you like to stick to your
principles. Smart as you are, you can always achieve your goals. You are
also alert and observant, knowing the best timing to grasp opportunities.
You are very suitable for jobs that can enable you to exercise your
imagination, such as marketing, advertising, art, creative writing, etc.
The standard nine to five office jobs are not the best fit for you. One
reminder for you is, try to ask for advice for important decisions since
sometimes you seem to be very indecisive.

If you are thinking about investment or starting your own business, go
ahead as long as you choose the right industry. Your have very positive
career prospects. A promotion might even occur soon. But remember to
cherish your current opportunities before you look for the next one. Your
overly-active personality could sometimes harm you.